The Shape of Hope


The Shape of Hope invites you into the lives of a group of young asylum-seeking students determined to complete their education and start building a life in Australia. Woven through their stories is the work put in by their Year 12 teacher to understand the hurdles they faced and find ways around them.

“I discovered that the barriers to their tertiary education seemed almost insurmountable: full international fees upfront, no access to HECS, and if they chose full time study they would get no Centrelink living support. They had crossed oceans for a chance at building a life in safety, many were on their own and all had worked hard. The idea that I would say to them, ‘Sorry, university is not for you,’ was appalling to me. I had to do something…”

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“These are young men and women of great courage. You will be enlightened, enraged, surprised and heartened as they take you on a roller coaster of hopes raised then dashed, hope rekindled and sustained against incredible odds. You will be in awe of the endurance, the persistence and the sheer hard work that they have put into realising their hopes - combining jobs, home duties, study, volunteer work and encounters with bureaucracy - day after day, year after year.” Arnold Zable.